Tahlik Ross is SOOOOO tuff. Bro has aura and everything. He has a list of nicknames that range from The Heartbreak Kid to Mr. Clutch. Given that he's Tahlik Ross, he's very much different in various ways.
Don't mention the Los Angeles Chargers playoff losses infront of him, AND don't even TRY to start a Michael Jordan > LeBron James conversation with him.
He thinks Justin Herbert is a top 5 quarterback in the league (which is true). His music taste is impeccable, as he listens to basically any genre of music, and his favorite artist is Taylor Swift. (hit him up huzz)
Random person @ THS: "Mirror mirror on the wall, who has the most aura of them all?"
Mirror: "Tahlik Ross"
Used to refer to a recruiting method - popularized from the NCAA 25 College Football game, where you do anything to try and get a high school player to commit to your team.
"Hey, did you hear that Bryce Underwood flipped from LSU to Michigan?"
"Yeah, it's pretty common sense that Michigan was sending the house to try and get him."
Used to refer to a recruiting method, popularized from NCAA 25 - where you do anything to get a high school prospect to commit to your team.
"Hey, Bryce Underwood just flipped from LSU to Michigan!"
"Yeah, we all know that Michigan was sending the house to get him to flip."
Tahlik is the type of person who respects women. He does NOT disrespect women, doesn't make crude comments about women's breast sizes, OR has multiple allegations and rumors going around on him that ranges all the way from 5th Grade.
Tahlik is also the type of friend you want. He knows when to tell when someone is sad, mad, or anything. He knows if they fell off or not, considering he's "fallen off" multiple times in his career. He's an avid sport watcher and a gentleman, and knows how to talk to women very "rizzly."
"Hey, did you hear Tahlik got rejected by Annie?"
"No, Tahlik would NEVER get rejected by a woman. He probably rejected HER!"
The term used to describe a NFL Fan with casual knowledge, one that has Kirk Cousins in his top 10 QBs list. He's also a efficient grammar nazi, and takes in fancy and exquisite punctuation that's overexaggerated. It's weirder than most, but he seems to standout in his own way somehow and someway. And I also forgot to mention he also watches College Baseball, a different type of yikes.
"Lamar is a #9 for me, needs to work on passing, better as a RB.
Allen is top 3, he can fucking yeet a ball, and can run good. Perfect balance."
"Hey, you talk like a FabricePepsi!"
"Thanks, I was always a big fan of him."