This is one of the things someone will say to you on Roblox if you piss them off. Usually, they want you to give them your Discord name and tag so you can join their "voice call". Usually, the end result of a mic up is both of the people in the call will make themselves look like bozos.
Person #1: Slender/Ro-gangster/Copy and Paste: Mic up
During the call:
Person #1: Shut yo bitch ass up clown
Person #2: No, you shut the fuck up kid
(This usually goes on for a long time, and the two callers just shout the words "Bitch", "Mf", or some other cuss words. They usually both make themselves look like bozos)
These are Roblox boys who are very tall and wear 10 pounds of hair, just like the copy and paste girls. These people simp for the copy and paste girls. You will probably always see them online dating with a copy and paste girl. They are also very toxic and when you expose them they will tell you to mic up. They're most likely 8-10 years old but there actually are some 13 or 14 years old. They're too scared to ask someone out irl so they have to online date with the copy and pastes.
Me: Oh look 5 slenders over there we're going to have some problems today.
Friend: Ok
Me: Why are you online dating with those copy and pastes?
Slenders: Shut up you kid you can't even get a girlfriend
Me: You're so scared to date someone irl so you have to date some legos.
Slenders: "mic up"
*All we hear is a voice of an 8 year old*
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Girls on Roblox who wear 10 pounds of hair. These copy and paste girls are always playing ragdoll engine or murder mystery 2 or wherever their slender "boyfriend" is. Just like the slenders, they online date. The people who they online date with are the slenders. They think they look so cool but I think their avatar looks like shit. They steal their moms credit card to make themselves look "cool". Their avatar is like 10,000 robux. These people are also pussies because they are too scared to ask someone out irl. They will call you noob if you don't look like them or a slender.
Me: Do you see those girls over there?
Friend: Yeah so many Copy and Pastes
Copy and Paste 1: Wow you're so noob you have no robux.
Copy and Paste 2: Yeah look at this noob he's so poor.
Me: Yeah but I didn't steal my moms credit card to buy 10k robux.
Copy and pastes get mad
Copy and Paste 1: 1v1 me! You're so bad at the game!
Me: Ok
After 1v1
Wow you're so trash I clapped you 10-0
*Copy and pastes leave the game*
Lesson learned: Do not become a toxic copy and paste
Copy and pastes are the worst people to have ever existed
Roblox Copy and Pastes suck at every game
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