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'girl's girl'

A new TikTok trend / slang claiming to be a ''girl's girl' meaning a girl supports or cares for another girl, similar to 'girlhood'

Factually, most of the women who claim their titles as a 'girl's girl' actually secretly compete with girls and hate them with a burning passion in secret.

Girl 1: "I need help!"
Girl 2: "I got you girl!"
Girl 3: "Thank you so much!"
Girl 4: "Hahaha, no problem I'm a 'girl's girl'"

by ohwowbroyougotabigasscanislap June 12, 2024


Typically a dumb fucking idiot with a low intelligence level (IQ) who rather have mental or physical disabilities.

"You fucking retard go read a book!"

by ohwowbroyougotabigasscanislap June 12, 2024


Typically a dumb fucking cunt with a low intelligence level (IQ) high likely occurring with a mental or physical disorder / disability resulting in their low education.

"Richard, go read a book you retarded piece of shit!"

by ohwowbroyougotabigasscanislap June 12, 2024