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Ruby is the kinda girl whose smile lights up the room. She is smart and works hard to achieve her goals. She is also STUNNING and has the best sense of humour. Her laugh is contagious and when she giggles you have to too! If you have found a Ruby never let her go.

"I wish I was friends with Ruby!"
"Well, I wanna date her."

by ohyeahmakessense October 28, 2019


the definition of awesomeness, this is a person is a legend... they also put the “ass” in assandr because DAMN they have a bootyyy!! if you need a friend, get a assandr in your life, just do it !!

can also sound like sand but with a fat booty - if you know what i’m saying

Ruby: “oh my look at assandr”
Mia: “what an ass”
Ruby: “i wish i had one like that!!”
Mia: “damn, me too”

by ohyeahmakessense April 12, 2020

147👍 11👎