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A naggin, a small easily concealed bottle of spirits is the lifeblood of teenage alcoholism and college predrinks in Ireland.
The 200ml bottle of a spirit of your choice (depending on your bank balance at the time of purchase) is the right amount of booze to stop you from getting completely steamed before sneaking off for the bus/luas/cycle into town but also plenty to put you in the perfect state of merriment before a night of debauchery and other shenanigans.

A naggin can be stealthily sneaked into a club or pub that you believe is too expensive, or if you are too broke to keep yourself in drink at a reputable establishment.

A naggin is also deemed an appropriate gift when you do not know what else to buy for the recipient

'What are you getting Niamh for her birthday?'

'Ah I'll just get her a naggin of something'

by oki3 doki3 February 10, 2019

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