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A communist. Usually someone who follows the philosophy of Carl Marx, or Lenin (Albeit built on Marx). Lenin's book, 'Imperialism:The Highest Stage of Capitalism' is one of the most widely read communist texts. It attacks capitalism and explores ways in which social equity can occur.

Unfortunately Communism as a rule of government does not and probably never will work, as it gives the Government corrupting power. It is a pure contradiction that Russia, Cuba, China and North Korea call(ed) themselves communists, yet all were/are ruled by a dictator.

For this reason equally oppressive figures (to that of the dictators) attacked communism, such as Mcarthy. And henceforth such derogatory terms as 'sneaky commie rat' will forever be utilized by the ignorant public, such as the idiot who posted prior to me.

SCR: welfare and donations to charity are good.
CP: shut up you sneaky commie rat!
SCR: what did I say Capitalist Pig?

by oncenever June 10, 2005

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