Cheap, legal alternative to drugs created by Re-Logic, with even higher addictiveness and lower price than its competitors in the virtual drug market, such as "The Elder Scrolls" series and "Minecraft." All it takes is one try and you'll never see the sun again.
"I haven't slept for 9 days straight because I was busy building a complex in Terraria."
min-maxing in Pokémon. Involves killing only specific species of wild pokémon that drop the desired stat boosts and running from pokémon that drop undesired ones until said stat gains the desired amount of Effort Values, or EVs, often with assistance of certain stat-gaining power items to boost only two or three stats instead of the intended six. Often frowned upon due to the casual nature of the game and how EV trainers would spend hours grinding and counting EVs on every one of their pokémon just to gain a slight advantage over others in competitive play.
EV Training, you're sucking the fun out!
EV Training, you're too old for this!
Exploiting the game, 'cause you don't have a life!
Beating up kids makes you feel like a man!
EV Training, YEAH!
A word made as what is straight up a giant middle finger to the 4 people in the world who actually have this condition.
This is how the word was probably invented.
Guy 1: Woah, slow down. Can you dumb down your explanation a bit, I don't understand, your words are too long, they sound like gibberish.
Guy 2: What's the problem? Are you afraid of long words?
Guy 1: Uhhh... sure? If that'll make you stop.
Guy 2: Oh, so you have a phobia of long words... long word phobia? Ah yes. You have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
Guy 1: God fucking dammit.