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Whey they should call costco because as soon as you walk through the fucking door 5 people demand to see your membership card.

shooper: chill the fuck out i'm not even in the door

by online handle September 17, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

online handle

what you go by on the internet. see screen name

i'm looking for your youtube link dude, what's your online handle

by online handle September 17, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

curb your enthusiasm

One of the best shows on TV, and the funniest show ever created, technically a sitcom, but the show does not feature a laugh track, which makes it 4000 times funnier, and doesn't stall the show, as most laugh tracks do. Contains a visual style that takes some getting used to, but once you do it will look normal. The humor is side-splittingly hilarious and will remain so even after multiple viewings.

Fun Fact: David originally wanted to call the show "Soup's too distracting" after being asked "Soup or Salad" at a restaurant and proclaiming to the waitress "Soup's too distracting"

curb your enthusiasm is funnier then anything anyone has ever created, this includes seinfeld.

by online handle August 29, 2006

237๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

curb your enthusiasm

One of the best shows on TV, and the funniest show ever created, technically a sitcom, but the show does not feature a laugh track, which makes it 4000 times funnier, and doesn't stall the show, as most laugh tracks do. Contains a visual style that takes some getting used to, but once you do it will look normal. The humor is side-splittingly hilarious and will remain so even after multiple viewings.

Fun Fact: David originally wanted to call the show "Soup's too distracting" after being asked "Soup or Salad" at a restaurant and proclaiming to the waitress "Soup's too distracting"

curb your enthusiasm is funnier then anything anyone has ever created, this includes seinfeld.

by online handle August 29, 2006

98๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

lucky louie

a terrible "sitcom" on hbo about a fat slob and his family. lucky louie claims to be taped infront of a live audience but it's obvious that a laugh track is used because no one on this planet could laugh at the shows lame, contrived and altogether boring and unfunny "jokes"

lucky louie is probably the worst show ever to air on hbo

by online handle August 29, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

the bible

the bible is violent as fuck, if the bible were a movie and god wasn't willing to make any cuts the mpaa would deem it violent enough to get an nc-17 rating, the bible would only play in certain art house theaters and only gross a small amount of money, upon the bibles release on dvd the bible would not be available at walmart, best buy, blockbuster and many other retailers, the bible would not be shown on cable often. the bible would soon be forgotten about as most nc-17 rated films are.

the bible is also the best selling book ever made. it contains more sex and violence then any book ever written. people known as catholics want for you to read this graphicly violent and sexually explicit account of supposed real life events so badly, that they will give you a copy for free at any church.

the bible is an extremley violent book

by online handle August 29, 2006

215๐Ÿ‘ 277๐Ÿ‘Ž

encyclopedia dramatica

a mismash of wikipedia and urban dictionary, except that virtually all traces of urban dictionary's contributors facts, wit, humor and writing skills have been erased.

encyclopedia dramatica is a pretty shitty website that lampoons everything on the internet, without having a single trace of anything remotley funny ever written on their own site, much like something awful

by online handle October 9, 2006

470๐Ÿ‘ 426๐Ÿ‘Ž