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Twitch emote of Leonardo DiCaprio laughing; used in a similar context to KEKW but more for when a) when someone got outsmarted, or b) saying something that makes yourself sound smarter than someone else.

Players: “If I buy a game for $50, there’s no way I’m spending more for microtransactions. I won’t support that.”

*Game Company makes millions of dollars on microtransactions*

Game Company: KEKLEO

by opobdtfs November 16, 2020

10👍 4👎


Verb: To make someone leave or at least shut up. Used in eSports tournaments when a caster tells an unfunny jokes or makes a bad analysis and Twitch chat would spam for the caster to be "sapped". The term originates from the Hearthstone card Sap which returns an enemy minion from the battlefield back into their hand.

*caster makes a lame joke*
Twitch chat: SAP CASTERS

by opobdtfs February 23, 2017

6👍 4👎


A Twitch emote used when the intention to spam KEKW to laugh at a streamer's misfortune was thwarted by a fortunate change in events. Portmonteau of "KEKW" and "wait".

Streamer is about to lose a game of Hearthstone then topdecks the perfect card
Twitch chat: KEKWait

by opobdtfs May 2, 2020

23👍 2👎

Kappa talize

A phrase spammed on Twitch chat whenever someone says the word "capitalize"

Announcer: C9 needs to capitalize on TSM's mistake
Twitch chat: Kappa talize

by opobdtfs February 19, 2017