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Owen is a person who is intelligent. The name has European origins.

Owen is reading, now.

by orange orangutan November 6, 2020


Owen is a person's name. Usually, Owen is very intellectual and thinks a lot.

Owen is thinking, right now.

by orange orangutan November 6, 2020


Supreme Court Of The United States.

SCOTUS has 9 judges.

by orange orangutan November 6, 2020


A common Chinese surname and is written as 孙 in simplified Chinese and 孫 in traditional Chinese.

Hui Sun, a high official of the state of Wei, which existed during the Zhou dynasty (1122–221 bc), located in present-day Shanxi province in north-central China.

by orange orangutan November 6, 2020


OWAN is a nickname for Owen. Owen is smart.

OWAN is thinking.

by orange orangutan November 6, 2020


OWAN is a nickname for Owen. Owen is smart and thinks a lot.

OWAN is thinking.

by orange orangutan November 6, 2020


A nickname of Owen. Owen is smart.

Owan means Owen.

by orange orangutan November 6, 2020