Beware of the Sapkota male species, especially the Bobin Sapkota, this Penguin looking human being, is known for roaming the streets of the nepalese suburbs at night, feasting on everything it can get its hands on, it might be strapped so watch out for your gold, it is very common that the Sapkota is dressed like eazy-e, therefor people have nicknamed the super rare Bobin Sapkota; Eazy motherfucking - B
Hide your gold, theres a Bobin Sapkota out there looking for ya. he might eat your mom too!!!??!?!?!
If you ever encounter a Chrizzy Mc Dizzy, make sure you have your pants on properly, because a Chrizzy Mc Dizzy always finds its way into even the smallest holes.
A Chrizzy Mc Dizzy is an endangered species that often lives on Red Bull, cigarettes, snus, and chili. It's easy to recognize a Chrizzy Mc Dizzy as they are often covered in Elizabeth Arden hand cream, wear gray sweatpants, and carry a Prada fanny pack.
Dont go in there!! there might be a Chrizzy Mc Dizzy lurking in there...
The Leadbeater is an endangered species of mammels, mostly living in residential areas or bigger cities, well know for being muscular, and often reffered to in common speech as a careless character from the vikings not know for hes name.
beware of the Leadbeater with green pants, this variation of the Leadbeater tends to be super toxic and easy to anger
That guy is such an animal, like a total Leadbeater
Often reffered to as an overall nice guy, mostly an elderly male that enjoys the beauty of life, always the father at any given workplace, might not be educated, but has plenty of life experience. also hes girlfriend tend to be from india
Wow that guy is such a søndergaard