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Anybody who hates taxes and people.

Anarcho-syndicalism sure as hell will not tolerate anarcho-hermitism.

by other guy besides me June 2, 2016

2👍 5👎


A democratic system where people vote on how resources are used. There are no property rights, and attempting to hold property or own it is severely punished by the ruling committee elected by the populus

. Anarcho-syndicalists often pretend to represent individualism, but it is clear the property rights are essential to be tolerated and independent of your community. Because of this, anarcho-syndicalism is indistinguishable from anarcho-communism.

Anarcho-syndicalists intend to accomplish their goals by using force and coercion using a state structure to conquer what they consider to be "private tyrannies." After accomplishing democratic socialism, these anarcho-syndicalists expect the state to somehow dissolve and for anarcho-syndicalism to form.

Anarcho-syndicalism relies on committees that work with workers to produce goods. No currency is used, and so there is no way to accurately measure value or support a supply and demand system to support a materialistic culture. These committees act like a government, where they administer justice and enforce laws.

Anarcho-syndicalists claim that the use of coercion through their committee structure, their establishment of temporary leaders through democracy, and non-tolerance of capitalist internal systems is somehow anarchy.

Regular Person: anarcho-syndicalism is truly statism.
Political Person: No. Go get educated and stop your straw man attacks. Anarcho-syndicalism is true freedom of the collective people form the tyranny of individual property rights and capitalism.

by other guy besides me May 14, 2016

16👍 111👎

Pulling An America

Doing something unexpected by suddenly deciding to vote for a candidate who everybody hates on election day. The ultimate act of trolling people emotionally dependent on election results.

Pulling an America is a great way to elect reality TV stars.

by other guy besides me November 10, 2016

30👍 52👎