Source Code

Gnome Sayin

Proper spelling of the popular phrase "Know what I'm sayin"

I'd like to get face from her erry day, gnome sayin!

by paddywack November 17, 2005

148๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term coined by a single man who has become increasingly desperate by his single marital status, who then decreases his standards and doesn't care who the girl is or what she looks like. He then proceeds to offer up the distribution of his penis in any conversations he has with his friends that involves the subject of a single lady who might be a willing recipient.

Friend A: "Yeah, she said she hasn't been laid in so long. She says she's gonna die soon if she doesn't get some."

Friend B: **Chuckles** "That is hilari..."

cut off mid-sentence by single guy

Single Guy: "What's her name? Where's she live? I'll freaking distribute right now!"

by paddywack February 16, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Championship Prefix

The ability to turn any word in the dictionary into it's most superior form just by adding the word "Championship" in front of it.

Non-awesome: "Water"

Awesome: "Championship Water"

Non-awesome: "Bagels"

Awesome: "Championship Bagels"

"It was not just a good powerpoint presentation, it was a Championship powerpoint presentation!"

As you can see, the Championship Prefix can make anything way more badass than it used to be.

by paddywack February 18, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž