A fantastic little ditty that makes you appear masculine, tough, and pure gangsta weezy shizah. Ladies love guys with confidence, and nothing shows off confidence more than flailing your arms with your fellow brethren and laughing as you're doing it, knowing how ridiculously stupid both you and the dance are.
Timothy: Do you know how much box I pulled in at the club when the ladies saw me showing off my lean wit it rock wit it moves?
Johnny: None?
Timothy: Correct.
Douglas: You see that chick over there? Well according to the hip hop that I hear on the radio, ladies love it when I dance like an ass in the club. So I'll simply do my thing and then talk to her the way they talk in the songs.
*Leans with it and rocks with it*
*Walks over to girl*
Douglas: So girl, wanna go beat it up, work your mouth all night?
Girl: Get away from me!
34👍 78👎
A fantastic little ditty that makes you appear masculine, tough, and pure gangsta weezy shizah. Ladies love guys with confidence, and nothing shows off confidence more than flailing your arms with your fellow brethren and laughing as you're doing it, knowing how ridiculously stupid both you and the dance are.
Timothy: Do you know how much box I pulled in at the club when the ladies saw me showing off my lean wit it rock wit it moves?
Johnny: None?
Timothy: Correct.
Douglas: You see that chick over there? Well according to the hip hop that I hear on the radio, ladies love it when I dance like an ass in the club. So I'll simply do my thing and then talk to her the way they talk in the songs.
*Leans with it and rocks with it*
*Walks over to girl*
Douglas: So girl, wanna go beat it up, work your mouth all night?
Girl: Get away from me!
23👍 71👎
One who scorns corporations, conformity, and the latest fashion trends. Most commonly found at malls - the biggest corporations of conformity that house the latest fashion trends.
Jimbo: I hate people who buy and wear clothes that conform to a particular lifestyle.
Joseph: Same here. Hey, do you want to go get some black jeans with a lot of unneccessary pockets and chains to show off our goth lifestyle?
Jimbo: You read my mind.
6👍 20👎
One of the ugliest models to ever grace the fashion industry. Kate Moss's coke use was her way of forgetting how ugly she actually was, and hoped no one would blow the whistle on her hideousness which would force her to return all the money she made. Honestly, how the fuck does anyone think this girl is anything special? Everyone in this world is so gay. You could throw feces on the anorexic bitch and the "upper-echelon" goons of our society call it the latest fashion trend and then praise the model, even though she wasn't the one who decided she was literally gonna get shit on in the first place. As silly as that sounds, it's a direct parallel to what actually occurs. What a great society.
Mike: Have you ever noticed that paid models are never really that hot?
Matt: Yea, it's always the mediocre-looking ones who quickly take the job offers because it makes their justified low self-esteem unjustifiably higher...like Kate Moss, who now thinks she's better than everyone.
Mike: Agreed. I'm gonna go masturbate to the girl next door, she's way hotter and doesn't have an undeserved inflated ego.
217👍 288👎
Hands down the best (and by best, of course, I mean most awful) "rapper" to come about so far (source: every conscious person with working ears). A feat once believed to be impossible, Yung Joc shocked the music world by being the only man to actually make songs that were more simple and boring than snap music. Another amazing feat, Yung Joc actually plagiarized himself by making his second single nearly the exact same as his first single. The truly amazing part is that it has actually received radio airplay, because stupid one-minded clowns will listen to anything that's fed to them.
Lil Jon: Thanks to Yung Joc, all my beats that people used to say were all the same now sound like 9-part concertos compared to his stupid bullshit!
Mike Jones: Thanks to Yung Joc, all my verses that people used to say were all the same now sound like brilliant poetry compared to his stupid bullshit!
Fred: I've been having trouble sleeping lately. Any suggestions?
Joe: You can get one of those noise machines. Or you can just listen to Yung Joc's CD. You can find it at your local 5 dollar bin or I'm sure if you find someone that was stupid enough to buy it they'll be glad to give it to you for free.
243👍 169👎
A dance for dudes to think they're cool and tough because they're too pussy to really dance. The only step down from the Poole Palace is standing in place, which the other half in the club do anyway. The end of dance as we know it.
Humberto: Yo check it out, that man is having a seizure!
Saul: Nah G, he's just doin the Poole Palace. Let him have his fun.
Diego: Remember when we'd hear music as kids and just flail about aimlessly to the beat?
Bob: Yeah.
Diego: Well now able-bodied adults do that and pass it off as dancing. It's called the Poole Palace.
Bob: That's silly.
Diego: I know.
17👍 105👎