Source Code

The Switch

When hooking up with a girl, the guy leaves the room and another guy comes in and takes his place, without the girl ever noticing.

Dude did you hear about last night?
...No what?
Mike and Zac pulled th switch on Sydlo

by parkville April 8, 2005

12👍 13👎

Double Middle Finger Humping

A gesture done towards someone who does or says something very stupid or ridiclous. It invloves giving the person the finger with both hands and doing a pelvic thrusting motion at the same time. This gesture can be seem most in PARKVILLE

Dude i think they make rootbeer by putting sugar in coke!
-Ur an idiot....(Doube Middle Finger Humping)

by parkville April 7, 2005

2👍 12👎