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slippery bubbles

Covering a sheet of plastic bubble wrap in a lubricant and then stroking the genitals until orgasm

After she gave me the slippery bubbles, I gave her the angry pirate

by pasdaddy May 7, 2009


To come back from the dead in a spectacular fashion, normally just in time to save someone's ass from getting kicked. Just like Gandalf in LOTR.

I was sure he was dead after the nuke went off, but he did a Gandalf and saved Bauer's ass.

by pasdaddy May 7, 2009

55👍 11👎

Stayner love triangle

A love triangle wherein a girl, preferably younger than 18, is being screwed by her older brother and by her father.

Me and Pa were throwing it to Missy last night... it is a real Stayner love triangle.

by pasdaddy June 14, 2010

5👍 1👎