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A very flexible word which can describe multiple things. Most commonly, these events typically involve copies amounts of alcohol and/or drugs with the boys. Pounders can also be events that are considered fun/entertaining or can be used to describe items that are large, pronounced or impactful.

"Yo dude, last night was such a pounder, I pounded 30 bud light pounders after ripping lines of pounders"-Person 1
"Wow, what a pounder-Person 2

"Dude, I went to the Wendys pounder and ordered a classic double pounder, what a pounder"

"I had a three bottles of wine pounder last night, I got pounded"

"This coronavirus is such a pounder"-Person 1
"Yeah, some communities are getting pounded by it"-Person 2

by pbones March 27, 2020

11👍 3👎

A Rare Crackening

The rare crackening is defined as an event where claws are cracked. Though this phrase would imply infrequency of the action itself or the choice of time of the action, this is not the case. The rare crackening typically occurs during times when crackenings are most common. Its an inception pounder.

"Ah, its a rare crackening on a Sunday for the Patriots game"- KDP

"KDP, you literally get drunk every Sunday during football season"- Unnamed Alcoholic

by pbones October 18, 2021

1👍 1👎

A Rare Crackening

The rare crackening is defined as an event where claws are cracked. Though this phrase would imply infrequency of the action itself or the choice of time of the action, this is not the case. The rare crackening typically occurs during times when crackenings are most common. Its an inception pounder.

"Ah, its a rare crackening on a Sunday for the Patriots game"- KDP

"KDP, you literally get drunk every Sunday during football season"- Unnamed Alcoholic

by pbones October 18, 2021

chounding mcdunitry

Chounding McDunitry occurs when the pounder is chortled into the whodunit. A real who's who. It is also the alias of Dawg

"wow, this is some serious chounding mcdunitry. We are LOOKING into it"

"Dawgggg, Chounding mcDunitry was tweeting late into the night last night!"

by pbones January 10, 2022

Boof Pounder

Boof Pounder is a transcendent being/state of mind. He (assuming that is the preferred pronoun) is an athlete who embodies the spirit of whodunitry, girthquakes and pounding. His list of accolades is second to none and would make 90s Jordan, 2000s Tiger and 2050s Brady blush. Known internationally for his accomplishments as an athlete, it is also worth noting he is a worldclass cocksman. Even more impressive than his athletic feats, is his maneuverability around potentially dangerous venereal diseases.


1. NBA Finals MVP, Rookie of the Year, Regular Season MVP
2. F1 champion for both individual and constructors
3. Striker for Bayern Munich FC
4. Multi-Major winner on the PGA Tour, including a 20 stroke win at the 2022 Cump Cup
5. Once drank and entire Bota Box
6. Has, indeed, pounded a chortle

"What do you want to be when you grow up son?"-Dad

"I want to be like Boof Pounder, he gets shitloads of pussy and seemingly dominates every sport he plays in professionally"-Son

"That's quite a phrase for a 4 year old to mutter, who taught you that?"-Confused/Agitated Dad

by pbones April 27, 2022