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rumble nut

when you're reaching climax (male or female) and you accidentally slip out a fart, whether it is silent or loud it is called a rumble nut

"Cam accidentally slipped out a rumble nut last night while he was banging Pat in the butt over the washer "

by pcrusher August 14, 2017


A girl who is really friendly and professional, however, after a few drinks she becomes a black-out-bitch. B.O.B

I crushed a few bottles of wine with genene and haley, but after that they became a couple of BOBs

by pcrusher August 26, 2020

Egg tapping

When two men stand side by side. One man swings his nuts into the other this creates a Newtons cradle back and forth. There is no winner.

It was a pretty good party, but a lot of people left after Greg and Cam started Egg tapping eachother.

by pcrusher April 22, 2023