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Means you don't give a flip about what someone said previously.

Used a lot in chat rooms especially OTS channel on battle.net servers.

USER1 "My mom died in a plane crash last night"
USER2 ":care:"
USER1 "that is mean, how dare you!"
USER2 ":care:^2"

by pedro sanchez June 19, 2006

34👍 6👎

vote 4 pedro

If you vote 4 Pedro, all your wildest dreams will come true.

He's got a sweet bike, he's good at hooking up with chicks, and he's the only guy in school with a mustache.

by pedro sanchez March 11, 2005

83👍 19👎

vote 4 pedro

If you vote for Pedro, all your wildest dreams will come true.

He's got a sweet bike, good at hooking up with chicks, and he's the only guy in school with a Mustache.

by pedro sanchez March 11, 2005

31👍 21👎


A level of ultimate drunkeness which is often accompanied by hook ups with multiple fat chicks, falling asleep while taking a dump, and instant messaging people that youve talked to maybe twice in your lifetime to tell them how much you love them.

"Matt was slophouse last night... he hooked up with like 3 fat girls, fell asleep while taking a dump, and imed his best friend's ex to tell her that he wanted to have anal sex with her"

by pedro sanchez March 3, 2005

41👍 13👎