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a poser is defined as sarah gluck

a poser is someone who acts upon something they’re not, mostly just for attention or to look good. sarah is a fake surfer girl, jeep girl, chill girl, and fake trendy girl. she claims she’s been a great fan of classic rock forever but can’t name 5 songs from led zep, calls herself a “dead head” but didn’t know what it was until mentioned and can’t name at least 3 dead songs, and is also buying posters to put in her early 2000s aqua room made for 5th graders already filled with printed out darren criss pics and palm tree paintings. and yet worst of all. she is 19, and still didn’t know what weed cigs looked like, and STILL oh god i hate to say it... a virgin😬😬😬

by peniscondomsdepression July 22, 2019


sarah gluck

a poser is a fake surfer girl, jersey girl, and chill girl, she is 19 and still doesn’t know what weed looked like. she is a fake fan of all classic rock and calls herself a dead head when she can’t name 5 songs, at least 3 and she’s getting posters to put in her 2008 aqua 10 year old room. and last of all. she’s still a virgin

by peniscondomsdepression July 22, 2019