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Luke tries to be the biggest homie hopper out of his friends. unfortunately that is the only 'big' thing he has going for him. if you want a vinnie hacker 2.0, lukey pukey is your go-to. mr. never sober is good with kids, but not with a skateboard. his hobbies include, searching for his missing crystals, and the missing piece in his life. which he is conviced he has found. if you are not a girl that is around 5'6-5'8, and is not in the grade below, keep looking because luke does not want you. Luke's only way of flirting is by telling girls to shut up and making them wear his lice-infested hat. lukes lips are bigger than his dick and that is a promise. kinda bite worthy though. (please never say that again miss girl). sorry my friend is a little obsessed with luke. you may think he his hot, but before you get too far along with this luke guy, make him move his hair out of his face. beware his actions are very different from his words. and his words usually are making fun of his friends...and urs.

"did you see luke the other day?"
"yeah, he ran into a stop sign."

by penisdaddylover69 July 17, 2021

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Liam is the type of guy to never talk to a girl. he is either 5'0, or 6'3 no in between. don't be fooled tho, his height doesn't mean anything. not only can guys named liam not drive, they can't have a normal conversation either. if your looking for a guy who gets scared everytime a bird squaks then liam is the guy for you!!!! If you know a liam, hide ur bushes ladies, all of them... he may squash ur bush or stomp on the poor bushes overgrowing on the sidewalk because the thought of physical contact is too much of a stress for a 17 year old. Trigger Warning, liams are pussy's and can't get pussy, but that's the least of their problems. If you are a 15 year old girl hide! liams may be predators. but don't fret, he'll admire from afar. very far. their only form of communication is through their friends who also... shocker, can't form a sentence around girls. be extra careful if he skates...or at least tries to.

"hey have you seen liam?"
"no i think he's hiding in the bushes again."

by penisdaddylover69 July 17, 2021

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Ryan is THE biggest homie hopper and is desperate for attention. hide your friends and your friend's friends while your at it. make sure his friends aren't hot before you ruin your chance with the whole group. only personality trait is blocking anyone and everyone. his desperation should not be the least of worries in this situation though, he is only 5'8 but he makes sure to round up. if you catch him in a real honest moment, he will tell you 5'8 3/4. not only has he failed to cut his hair, he also fails to change out of the same flannel and vans.

"is Ryan hot?"
"no but his friends are"

by penisdaddylover69 July 17, 2021

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