A saying used to encourage someone to do something that is stupid, reckless or otherwise dangerous.
Matt: I'm going to fart in my teacher's face.
David: Do it if you're bad
When you don't want to do something so you get high instead.
"I am potcrastinating so much. I have two essays due but I just smoked a bowl and now I see sound."
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A male who is overly friendly, touchy and/or excitable with other men. It has connotations of homosexuality but does not necessarily automatically mean the subject is gay.
"Bro Dustin just gave me a back massage even though I didn't ask."
"That man is so zesty."
People who use urban dictionary for fun. Often has no life
You are a urban dictionary user.
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When someone thinks they are the main character of their life. Usually comes with a side of individuality complex, quirky style and a self centered point of view.
"I asked Jenny where the beer was and she said 'Just over the horizon, like my dreams.'"
"Yeah, that girl has a major case of Main Character Syndrome."
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The water that hardens the egg softens the potato is a Russian saying that means everyone reacts to stressful circumstances differently. It is often used in the context of trauma.
"Rachel's mom just died and a week later she's back to school. Meanwhile, I'm strugling to get out of bed, just because my hamster died. I feel so shitty."
"Dude, don't beat yourself up about it. The water that hardens the egg softens the potato. "
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Male Attention Seeker (Noun) Someone who craves specifically male attention. This is usually due to daddy issues. People suffering from MASD (Male Attention Seeking Disorder) will often view their own personality and beliefs as transitory and insignificant as they traverse the world seeking validation.
"My friend Amy was a communist. Then she started talking to this dude from reddit, now all she says is that women should stay at home and cook. That girl's a major MAS (Male Attention Seeker).
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