Source Code

egg eater

a person who pushes fake eggs from their vagina or ass and the male eats them

your my little egg eater

by phantom negromante May 23, 2019

9👍 1👎


Hannah´s are very caring people but only with their friends. they also love their bf named brandon. Hannah´s are polite, independent, and will kill u if they want to. hannah´s will destroy you. They also like saying redrum. maybe it means something more than just redrum who knows. Hannah´s are horny and will fuck their bf all the time. dont mess with hannah she will kill you. she is secretive and would rather be by herslef most of the time. She´s a ride or die bitch. they can care less about other people and are very protective of their friends. i will kill u

omg, stay away from hannah u never know what will happen.

by phantom negromante May 23, 2019

31👍 9👎


docking is when a guy puts his peen into a vageen. It has to be a huge meat spear. into a very wet vageen

Brandon was docking his peen into my vageen

by phantom negromante May 28, 2019

11👍 30👎

pussy reaching

pussy reaching is when a guy/girl sticks their hand up a girls vageen like he is reaching for something

last night carl did some pussy reaching and it felt so good. it´s like he was grabbing my organs.

by phantom negromante May 29, 2019


a cuck is a husband that lets his wife fuck other people and finds enjoyment in this

wow he is such a cuck, he let me fuck his wife last night

by phantom negromante May 24, 2019

378👍 69👎


a person named isaac. they are big dweebs and cunt buffets

isaac is such a dweeb he plays fortnite

by phantom negromante May 29, 2019

6👍 8👎


redrum is a catchphrase for people that secretly just wants to kill everyone. Redrum means murder backwards.

haha she says redrum all the time, wait she killed someone yesterday?

by phantom negromante May 23, 2019

63👍 18👎