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Definition: ass-kicking, awesome, sweet. A guy so kickass he's an adjective/noun.

'I'ma go Callidus on your honky ass'

by phi December 26, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

because i have a penis

what a man says if he doesn't want to do something that is deemed woman's work, suck as ironing his shirts, or picking up after himself. Sexist when said to a woman, blatantly insulting when said to a male (your questioning his manhood in a very homo-phobic/sexist way).

Woman, i don't cook my own dinner because i have a penis.

by phi December 5, 2004

72๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž