Source Code

pirate smoker

Blair and Phillip when they tag team and possibly anyone except Bryce

see above

by phillip December 4, 2003

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


super duperrrrrrrrrr hot and very nice and talkative and if only she was a lesbian, then it'd be complete.

I wet my pants as Kasie Lynch walked past me; then I also crapped my pants.

by phillip January 11, 2005

245πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž


If associated with viper_r_t_10, and with the name Brandon, you are doomed to misery all your life.

That viper_r_t_10 is nothing.

by phillip June 30, 2004


n. plural for testicles
n. alternative word or greeting for
adj. used as an exclamation

n1- suck my baws
n2- whats up baws?
adj- after being shocked one replies

by phillip January 13, 2004

47πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


a fly white boy that hangz with hiz crew

me aka g-dogg n justintime

by phillip January 11, 2004

15πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Full of people with silly accents. Favourite pastimes include mining down't pit and combining words to form random sentences that no normal person understands.

Strong in't arm, thick in't head.

Ey up, in't, down't... (And other stuff that I never really understood unlike these ones here!)

by phillip December 7, 2004

81πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž



That joto took the long walk
(that faggot died)

Them wankstas drivin' round in der jotomobile
(Those wannabees are driving in their gay car)

by phillip November 27, 2003

240πŸ‘ 241πŸ‘Ž