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Introverted, intuitive, feeling, & judging.

Very sweet people with a lot to offer.

Amazing listeners and observers.

Private and independent.

Calm and collected people pleasers.

They’re not what half of these definitions say about narcissism and egoistic bragging. Sure they are rare but they are humble and the people who claim to be an INFJ but shove it in other peoples faces are most likely not actual INFJs.

True INFJs do not care or even like the fact that they are considered rare and they would never brag. They tend to feel alone and lost rather than special and superior.

They are loving, selfless, empathetic, gentle beings who do nothing but give to others and try to help everyone as best as they can. They’re hearts are huge and they are always ready to lend a hand to those who need help.

They are human though and aren’t all sunshine and rainbows 24/7. They have a dark side and have the ability to be mean but it’s not in their nature. Push them hard enough they might snap and show you just how cold and cruel they can be. It takes a lot to get them to that point though.

fake INFJs: omg i’m rare
true INFJs: omg i’m alone

fake INFJs: yeah so like i’m an INFJ blah blah blah
true INFJs: *doesn’t mention it or even talk about themselves at all*

by phlegmatic phaggot April 24, 2022

62👍 8👎