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pocket gun

1. A firearm you decide to leave in your pocket.

2. A firearm you ALWAYS leave in your pocket.

Butcher Pete got bored of chopping steaks, so with him and his pocket gun he shot up all the women's meat.

by picklestein October 22, 2016

138๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A triggered Shrek.

Nonionizing radiation




Officially Ogred

by picklestein February 2, 2019


1. Anyone who has a deep opposition towards books or anything of the like; the absolute parallel to the librophile.

2. Anyone who has a fear of liberals (i.e. conservatives).

1. Librophobe Tyrone never knew how to read. Having never forgotten how to not read, he died of chicken scarcity.

2. Johnny Bananapeel killed all the liberals with his pocket gun.

by picklestein October 22, 2016

135๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vault Girl

Vault Girl is the female counterpart of Vault Boy, the Vault-Tec mascot. Unlike the Vault Boy, she only appears for female only perks or accompanies him in various images. The Vault Girl appears rarely contrary to the Vault Boy and only for some representation of perks, reputations, traits and equipment. She also appears in a TV for educating cyberdogs in Big MT. Playing as a female character will not cause the Vault Girl to appear, but downloading mods can help.

Vault Girl > Vault Boy

by picklestein June 24, 2016

280๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any flood of religious cuckbois who believe in a God, idol, guardian, deity or of the like. They are often ambitious/extremist zealots and can be of any culture, belief or religion, be it Christianity, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, etc. They will often argue or fight solely for their preferred religion and deny all others just to protect theirs. They often refuse to listen to others not of their own and will fuck you over provided you oppose them or refuse to join.

The KKK cult is a bunch of spoiled school shooters who abhor blacks because of their giant monkey dicks.

by picklestein June 20, 2016

392๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž

graphics whore

An Xbox or Playstation fanboy, thinking graphics and horsepower equal everything.

Xbox fanboy: We shuld laff at teh Wii U cuz it haz no gaymz ore online ore moshun cuntrull!!1

Playstation fanboy: It dun hav grafices eivor!!1

Nintendo gamer: Fucking graphics whores.

by picklestein May 1, 2015

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