When you get rungunned through the walls across the map by a Sherrif while he's sprinting at 40 miles/hour.
Can also be used when you're bullets are going to Kinshasa.
That reyna just valoranted 3 people on B site, fuckin' children game!
These punks at riot games architecture don't know what they're doin!
When you are permastuck silver 2 and you can't even get out of silver but your only excuse is that you have no teammates and describe yourself as 'not hardstuck' yet having 52% winrate in low silver (bottom 40%). Can't manage to press ult in a 7 second window or use smite once in any apprioriate moment. Also thinks he's better than a diamond player who will hit master in a week or so. Must be washed and is suck in silver for 1.5k games from 3 years already.
How about we play some duoq tomorrow?
Hello no! I ain't playing with your kokerstucking ass! You're silver for 3 years with gray kd! Fucking KOKERLOW!
6👍 3👎