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Youtube trending page

The area of Youtube where you will find very little content if any, about 48/50 videos on trending contain 0 content and cringey thumbnails (excluding most sports). Videos on this page are actually staff picks and not trending.

I scrolled through the whole Youtube trending page and found like nothing good to watch.

by please enter your username February 3, 2021

fake culture

a culture which prefers fake things over the real thing for example, people like fake asses and titties, professional (fake) porn is preferred by many instead of amateur (real) porn, reality (staged scripted drama) TV, people who pretend to be happy but are just depressed.

Bob: Kim K has a nice ass.
Tyler: Kim Kardashian's ass looks fucking awful, you just like fake culture.

by please enter your username March 25, 2021

Nelk Quality Music

(NQM) A song which sounds so good Nelk could use it in a video. Nelk's editor Ausgod only use fire songs, this is not just limited to hip hop, as nelk has used almost every genre of music.

Dude, thats some Nelk Quality Music right there, that shit is fire.

by please enter your username October 29, 2021

This guy's built like a fucking fridge

A person who has a strong built appearance, who is able to wheel the nines and tens without much difficulty along with the occasional 8.

goddamn, This guy's built like a fucking fridge we've only been at this party for like 30 minutes now.

by please enter your username February 23, 2021

2👍 1👎

Beat meat repeat paradox

When you're bored you beat your meat. This feels really good, but the more often you do it, the less satisfaction you get from it.

Dude I'm stuck in the coomer beat meat repeat paradox because of quarantine and my lack of skills with women.

by please enter your username February 17, 2021

The big dick paradox

The larger your penis the more bragging rights you have about your size, however, most woman cant handle large dick, therefore less women who will have sex with you. there is a goldilocks zone where both conditions can occur but it is a slim margin.

Jamal pulled a nice hoe, however he wasn't able to slay due to the big dick paradox

by please enter your username September 29, 2022

Gamer Conversation Syndrome

There are many parts to this syndrome.

-A sense of high ego, and willingness to talk shit aggressively to everyone no matter how much more/less skilled they actually are than you.

-Lack of skills with women.

-Usually social awkward, varies case by case.

-An inability to move out their parent's house

-Always trying to be alpha

-A sense of always being right no matter the circumstances

-An inability to validate the situation as it is in reality

-Toxicity toward those who have a life (and a better job than your broke ass) and aren't good at the game

The Gamer Conversation Syndrome is best described by examples:
cod lobby:
joe: fucking trash, look at this dude i just knifed you!
tom: ill fucking dust you any day of the fucking week, 1v1 me!
joe: i have better things to do with my time than 1v1 someone who is 2/19!

by please enter your username January 17, 2022