You are at the QWERTY boredom point of no return. You did qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp but you spared the "tgb" line for the end.
You should be doing homework now, not typing random shit and crap like qazwsxedcrfvyhnujmikolptgb.
Latest boredom
plokjihuygtfdrsewaqzxcvbnm is to die of bored
Wow, how did you find this? You are too bored. so you type
1π 1π
Trying to find unblocked games, but fail.
I found nice qwazesxrdctfvygbuhnijmokpl games!
Bored to heck, you type this. You don't have a life anymore.
Bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to type zaqwertyuiopxsdfghjklcvbnm!
As of 2022, this is the price for an Urbandictionary mug.
Look below this definition and get that mug and show much you overpaid for it!!!
I paid $32.95 for an Urdic mug!!!
2π 3π
Up and down on keyboard, hitting all keys, including Caps Lock. It ends when you hit Enter. Boredom has killed you.
3π 1π