Crappy gaming laptop, overheats and throttles.
"You are getting a new super-deluxe Dell G5 gaming laptop for Christmas!"
*opens it*
*uses it for first game* "Cool!"
1 day later
*laptop overheats to nearly catching on fire*
You are at the QWERTY boredom point of no return. You did qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp but you spared the "tgb" line for the end.
You should be doing homework now, not typing random shit and crap like qazwsxedcrfvyhnujmikolptgb.
noun: Boredom in a "C" pattern. Happens when someone gets extremely bored.
People who discover qwazesxrdctfvygbuhnijmokpl will eventually discover `1q2waz3esx4rdc5tfv6ygb7uhn8ijm9ok,0pl.-;/='\ but not before qawszedxrfctgvyhbujnikmolp
Now yo bored. You found it. Next step: `1q2waz3esx4rdc5tfv6ygb7uhn8ijm9ok,0pl.-;/='\
No more qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm or qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmkiolp
qwazesxrdctfvygbuhnijmokpl is when you are bored as hell.
Bored to heck, you type this. You don't have a life anymore.
Bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to type zaqwertyuiopxsdfghjklcvbnm!
You are bored for life.
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