A pointless waste of time, not to be confused with a hobby.
Man 1: Bro I didn't even study for the test and I got 100 percent!
Man 2: Shut up loser.
If you have a Nurcine in your life. Get rid of them. They are selfish, egotistical, stupid and annoying. Chances are, they're obsessed with social media. Especially Tik Tok. They won't stop talking about Tik Tok, they won't stop doing the dances and they will always laugh obnoxious laughs. Whenever they open a door, they say the persons name in the most obnoxious possible way.
Man 1: "Hey Nurcine"
Woman1: laughs violently
The place where you bought those Off-Brand shoes, went to school, and bragged about said Off-Brand shoes
Man 1: Look at my new shoes
Man 2: You probably got those from K-mart loser
Man 1:
An Elegant greeting. For a more civillized age
Legend 1: Hello there
Legend 2: General Kenobi
A certain activity in which you take pride and entertainment in doing
i have a hobby of taking kids and putting them in my basement