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Flat Earther

The Flat Earth Society is the group with the lowest scoring IQ. With an average IQ of 10 they are more retarded than any other humans. Flat Earthers live in their moms basement together with their laptop that they stole from the World Trade Center before it collapsed (They are also the reason why 9/11 happened).

Flat Earther: The Earth is flat!
Not retarded person: No it isn't :explains why the earth isn't flat with real scientific proof:.
Flat Earther: Gravity doesn't exist :talks about shit that dosen't make sense:.
Not retarded person: i give up.

by polsgfpothgmhfglhtohpfogkpfgol October 15, 2019

81👍 10👎

Life isn't fair

An excuse for being too lazy to make something that is unfair fair.

Guy: I got spawn-killed, that's so unfair!
Lazy developer of game: Life isn't fair.

by polsgfpothgmhfglhtohpfogkpfgol October 15, 2019

3👍 4👎