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the act of drinking, a person who drinks can also be referred to as a potator.

this weekend i plan to start my bi-weekly potation and suffer myself completely inebriated

by pookay September 15, 2010

1👍 2👎


To pretend to be offended when you are not. Usually just to be a cunt.

Jane was fauxfended at what I said about dogs with waggy tails.

She wasn't really offended she just wanted to be awkward.

by pookay January 15, 2021


Deliberately taking offense to another person's point, opinion or language no matter how weak the offense may be.

Jack said that he liked dogs with waggy tails..

"your descriminatory and inflammatory remarks have deeply offended me" said Jane as she clutched her pearls.

It was clear to Jack that Jane had proffended his comment.

by pookay January 15, 2021