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A very addictive mmorpg. i myself used to play, but thankfully their game's effect wore off on me. RuneScape is fun to some, but very annoying and stupid to most.
urban def.: a shitty ass, repetive, diarreah inducing game. graphics blow, gameplay is clunky and insecure, and worse, the elements of play have all already been used. furthermore, its LOADED with people who say stupid shit like,"oh nozor! my ammy and my hally r got pwnt! fally is just west of here. rock of zammy pwns" and all kinds of ridiculous shit. dont play this load of horsevomit, and dont let your family either, otherwise they will waste away on the desk and never come outside. its filled with a bunch of dipshit nerds, who talk in leet and think their sooo badass because they "own" you on runescape, even though we all know that the average RS player is that geek in science class who knows every answer, and periodically corrects the teacher. in short, RuneScape blows harder than a french whore on sunday AND hurricane andrew combined. Do not play this evil load of shit game.

SoMErSFAG: hey n00bz0r, you just got pW3nd!
normalperson:hey dumbass, this is called a sidewalk, not your geeky ass computer game.
SoMErSFAG:nublet, you better watch out!my ammy of power is l33t!
normal person: *beats the everliving shit out that douche*

by popwar of DOOM August 20, 2005

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