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Arch Cleavage

Occurs or shows when a woman has high arches and wears a pair of high heels (i.e. hooker heels) and the arches of her feet show. It is more common to show when she is sitting with her legs crossed or just relaxed. Can be especially appealing if the woman is already considered sexy!

Karen came by my cubicle today and I was pleasantly surprised to see her arch cleavage.

by postscriptak February 8, 2010

20👍 3👎


A form of Love Sickness. The feeling and emotion you experience when you Love someone and they don’t know it and you don’t believe you can tell them. You want them to know how you feel but you can’t tell them. Additionally, due to the situation and the person you love, you can’t tell anyone else or talk about how you feel, therefore your emotions are internalized causing the level of love sickness to increase.

I am experiencing a high level of fruslovetration and I need to talk with someone about it.

by postscriptak January 21, 2010

3👍 1👎