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When your walking down the hallway (specifically a left handed hallway)eating out your cats ass hole and you stub your toe on your right foot

I was heading to the kitchen with tom when I Yeeeter'istmenst'(arss)thdk'dick'in'your'butt(fuck)estin(me)st(jerry)ssst myself

by potatoes fagit February 20, 2017

12👍 1👎


When your with a girl in a bar (kissing her, fingering her or flirting with her)and her trans boy friend shows up and loses to a fight with you

Remember that Trudy girl I totally Gooder'ist'nestboyist'thebestaround'whoevergoodersteristboutoistlivegoodst the shit out of him last night

by potatoes fagit February 20, 2017

1👍 5👎