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Drunker than thou

Excessive pride in one's drunkenness. The need to prove that one is in a superior state of inebriation than others.

Person 1: "AH im like blackout drunk right now!"
Person 2: "We're all having a good time, no need to act drunker than thou."

by princeofpersiaaaaaa November 4, 2011


Not a real person.

1) Someone who exists in Facebook statuses and photo albums, but not in real life. If you log off, they stop existing, kind of like how monsters go away when you turn on the lights.
2) Someone who many talk about but few have seen. Tends to pop up fleetingly in social gatherings, only to disappear again. Sightings are rare and usually unconfirmed, like the Yeti or Loch Ness Monster.

As far as celebrities go, Bill Murray is the biggest NARP in Hollywood.

by princeofpersiaaaaaa September 21, 2011

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