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A disparaging term for people from Oklahoma originating with the 1930s Dust Bowl that drove out many poor Oklahomans to other states. The term has a connotation of "white trash", rural-living, and poor.

It was the middle of the depression and swarms of impoverished farmers coming to already impoverished areas were not a welcome experience. "Okies" were persecuted, to the extent white citizens in America could be, compelled to live in small communities on the outskirts of towns, including in the Central Valley of California where they were referred to as "Okievilles".

UD's definition of Okieville is lacking that particular context, the people weren't merely "white" they were specifically from Oklahoma and the Dust Bowl region.

"Some Okie at the store started arguing about the cost of milk."

by promontorium December 8, 2020

52👍 18👎


One who is aware of, and actively engages in, discussion about social justice issues.

Originally referring to people within the black community becoming aware of racial in justices and other issues facing African-Americans. The term has been appropriated by both proponents and opponents of the greater international social justice movement.

Coming from the past-tense of wake, implying one has become "woke to the truth of the world" and those who aren't woke remain asleep and unaware.

Ever since Jones became woke he stopped using marginalizing terms for people based on race and sex.

by promontorium December 22, 2020

35👍 104👎


1. Literally just a misspelling of the word "whore" based on a regional accent. 2. A disparaging term for a woman with an implication of promiscuity.

Screwed up teacher: Could you please read this sentence aloud: "Your mother is a whore."

Student with regional accent: Yo mom a hoe.

Because hoe isn't a real word, it's literally just "whore" with an accent.

by promontorium September 13, 2020

6👍 2👎


1. Literally just a misspelling of the word "whore" based on a regional accent. 2. A disparaging term for a woman with an implication of promiscuity.

Person with non-rhotic regional accent: "Ho is spelled w-h-o-r-e. Or in your case m-a-m-a."

by promontorium September 13, 2020


Apparently the moron who wrote the first definition doesn't even understand that biast would not be a misspelling of 'bias' but 'biased' the past-tense of the word. He also doesn't know it's "an opinionated" not "a opinionated". Trolling is a art, but this isn't the Mona Lisa.

zbane1 doesn't know what past-tense is. He is biast against proper grammar.

by promontorium December 29, 2011

274👍 97👎