Chris- She wants a guy with a dog.
Paul- She will like your pockethound.
Actually, it means afternoon snack! ...the the 4th of 5 meals in the Czech Rep.
Let's have a svacina after lunch!
7๐ 1๐
A moderately-skilled piano player that believes that all people will be happy if the government forces everyone to have a basic piano and play the piano in his mainstream style, instead of market forces deciding who and what is successful. This results in mediocre music and some exceptionally skilled drummers becoming corrupted and being placed in re-education prisons.
That utopianist teacher would not let me experiment with my jazz style of playing, and the music police came for me.
9๐ 9๐
1. A child born to a tall blond man and a short Asian woman.
2. A Northern European corporation that conducts business in Asia to save labor costs and to avoid heavy Euro and US taxes.
That shoe company is Scandinasian.
6๐ 10๐
An improperly designed roundabout which takes away driving surface from an intersection and makes driving, bicycling and walking more complicated, difficult, dangerous and slower.
There is another fender bender clogging the the hazardaround. The sociologineer traffic planner approved the expensive hazardaround project despite public protest and the board rejecting it.
10๐ 3๐
An unconventional policy using a flawed interpretation of economics, such as Keynesianism, to print huge volumes of paper money which are not supported by anything except public trust. This policy is apparently used to bail to out failed entities friendly to the politicians in charge at tax-payer expense, and to punish successful enterprises which oppose the unconventional policy.
While plunging the federal economy into massive debt by printing paper money which is not supported by anything except public trust, Blurbnanke continued the rodeo of quantitative sleazing, throwing money at Detroit, banks, and other comrades until the US will be the making us the biggest debtor nation on the planet, but the sheeple still have some credit left and stocks are up, so everything is fine.
10๐ 1๐