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to lengthen(a word or phrase)to a longer form. the act or product of extending.

The fashion magazine vogue editor will not be willing to assistant's such short writing, so Mary is going to ask for to protract deadline to edit her essays.

by purinsy August 29, 2008

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


In the supercourt, judger should decide whether the accuser is not guilty or not upon the evidence,testimony,allegations by attorney's. The victim, man who get suffered by others inculpate the offender to own the court case and get rewarded.

The two freak pervert,criminals who raped granny in the public street went to supercourt, for the family members of granny inculpate them for 1 billion dollars. Wooppppppppp

by purinsy August 29, 2008


arguing over and over then many gonna stuck in the abysmal riddle which is not immutable. Because they got slump, it will be hard to get out of the hell like quarrel.

My sister will take entrance examination after 2 months, but very erratic and nefarious sister do not allow her study distracting each family members.Ensuing this event, she finally resent and fuck babbling slangs.

by purinsy September 4, 2008

4πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


After Someone argue,give opinion,allege,and assist his or her thought, he or she does not accept or withdraw his or her previous comment or conviction.

Europian woman politician once said that she never support or give much privilege any woman-right's communities, but, just one week later, she recant her remarks on woman-right's association ,when addressing in front of the woman audience.

by purinsy August 29, 2008

10πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


1. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids.
2. Before the winter came, wild animals try to cache and store food for dormancy.

The money was secreted from his childfren.
squirrels secrete nuts in a hollow tree trunk.

by purinsy August 29, 2008

21πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


having fuck with anyone, anything, and animals. A mixture of diverse or unrelated parts of individuals; a hodgepodge

Emmanuelle fall into sexual fantasy in HongKong. She goes to beach garden,where many hong kong asian prostitue show her vagina and the perverts suck and stroke them. Emmanuelle attract 3 caucasians and one gives cock into her gorge, another suck and lick her tits,and the other insert eracted penis into her soaked wet pussy. It is just promiscuity.

by purinsy August 29, 2008

31πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


repeal of a law by the Roman people; and hence, when the power of making laws was usurped by the emperors, the term was applied to their act of setting aside the laws.Thus it came to express that act by which a sovereign or an executive government sets aside laws, ordinances,regulations, treaties,conventions,etc.

In old city, Roman people abrogate a law which can avow the King priviledge of choosing any Province Rulers giving him myriad bribes.

by purinsy August 29, 2008

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž