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Fortuna, CA

Small northern California white trash town in the middle of Humboldt County. Population of approx. 70,000 and a diverse mix of old hippies, hobos, stoners, hicks from across the river, okies, escalade-driving pot growers, wanna-be-wealthy land owners, cowboys, and the random average school teacher. The "cool places" to meet include Safeway Parking Lot and the Tracks (also across the river.) In the summer the river and beach are the close by spots to be especially Miranda. Fortuna boasts the largest screen on the North Coast! and is also known to all around as "the friendly city". Stop by taco loco for a cheap burrito.

Guy #1: ""Dude, should we go to Arcata tonight to get high or drink beer and chew in Ferndale?"

Guy # 2: "Let's compromise and head into Fortuna, CA"

by purple knife March 25, 2011

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