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Saying "meh" is like saying, whatever. It never has an actual meaning, people just say it because they're too damn lazy to move their lips for christ's sake.

Hot Blond:Wanna go have sex sweetie?
Blond: whats that mean?
Guy: Meh
Blond: YES OR NO
Guy: meh
Blond: im sick of you, bye!
Guy: meh.

by pwned joo January 9, 2008

1👍 6👎


A server on an mmorpg (multi million online role playing game) or on a large internet server for a business or somthing. Usually referred to by hackers ( hax0rs ) in the language of 1337.

Hey man no noob hax0rs on meh box0rs

2 b4d nub, i h4x w4ere i VVants 2.

by pwned joo January 11, 2008