Used for such a crazy event, that it can not be defined with simple adjectives.
Man that bitch was stupid fly, and that party was off the heezy.
8π 4π
ATG (Anti-thymocyte globulin or AtgamΓΒ) is a medicine used prevent rejection in different types of transplantation, treatment of graft versus host disease and in certain patients with aplastic anemia. It does this by suppressing the body's own immune system. It is available as an injectable medication.
Got some shitty news about the ATG tonight. It's not working.
40π 27π
Part of the new "punk" scene. Faggots who are ruining music.
32π 35π
1) A lower form of dork; one who sucks assloads. 2) any person who sucks in larger than average ways. (see also: "livejournal whores") plural= hobbos
Jean and Nathan are the ultimate hobbos.
55π 36π
bd originating from a simple gesture meaning "two thumbs up"
Look at your hands when you are giving two thumbs up, what letters do they look like? bd
Talking online to a friend:
friend 1 - "Dude, I just bought a new truck!"
friend 2 - "bd"
18π 26π
Note the hyphen. That's how it's really spelled. Go there for the real defines
27π 72π