A proxy at Kavra's Kingdom. She's so amazing! She is soooo active. She was formerly known as whydumb123 (but that name was stupid so she changed it).
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A person who has been an HR for a very long time. One of the best HRΓ’ΒΒs at KavraΓ’ΒΒs Kingdom.
QuackerUncle for proxy!
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A really active HR in Kavra's Kingdom. She is a Proxy and is very good at her job. She answers around 1,515,591 tickets a day on average.
makikostrav says "Quack for proxy!"
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A proxy at Kavra's Kingdom. She's cool I guess... oh well. She is formerly known as makikostrav, but decided to make life confusing so she spent 1,000 robux (which is way too much, but that's for another time). She's cool.
mqkiko thinks QuackerUncle should be proxy <3
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Also known as xBvuny, dolliesgutz is a guard at Kavra's Kingdom who used to be a Helper. She is an amazing HR.
dolliesgutz is the best period!!