Source Code

New York Times

A news outlet/source full of lies.

Bro you heard of New York Times?

Yeah, fuck New York Times! Washington Post is better

by r59b1 May 8, 2021

3790👍 118👎


An extremely biased and informational source where everyone is the author. People get loads of information from outside sources and cite them. Are those outside sources reliable? Some are, some are not. They do not have to be

I just read an article about Pearl Harbor on Wikipedia! It was packed with so much information??? HOW DO THEY GET THIS???

by r59b1 June 7, 2023


Any guy above 5’9. The above standard doesn’t just jump to 5’10. includes 5’9 1/4, etc.

Girl: ooh fuck! That bitch tall!
Friend: Oh damn! He must have a big dick! How tall is he again?
Girl: A height that’s tall enough for me! Definitely slightly above 5’9!

by r59b1 May 4, 2021

25👍 18👎


the sexiest race to date

Person 1: yo bro this girl and I are soooooo in love broo we held hands and kissed today
Person 2: Oh really? May I ask, what race was she?
Person 1: The best race out, I shit you not. Asian!!
Person 2: Holy shit dude you scored!!!

by r59b1 August 15, 2021

7👍 4👎