Source Code


Deucer- A female weighing over 200 pounds.

Mary is a deucer; she weighs over 200 pounds.

by rOb August 30, 2003

74πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

go for the rhino

Began after a competition to fling a shoe off of one's foot and hit one of those things little kids ride on that bounce around, shaped like a rhino.

Used to commend someone on a continued good effort; when one wants to attain a certain goal or task. Especially an extremely difficult one.

Jimmy: "Hey Maxwell, I've studied three hours for the Exam!"
Maxwell: "That's great Jimmy, go for the Rhino!"

by rOb June 24, 2004

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


girls you can only hook up with if your in a group of men looking for them

Chicks dude, got to get some Chicks

by rOb September 11, 2003

46πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


An unseen species from the BFG.

"Or horrible snozzwanglers"

by rOb April 30, 2005

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


the worst band ever in the history of everything. they're even worse than new found glory.

'atreyu fucking suck'

by rOb April 22, 2005

184πŸ‘ 263πŸ‘Ž


early morning stoned pimp

kid rock is the esmp of the damn nation!!!

by rOb February 25, 2005

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a response to something funny, such at lol

rob: hey fgt
everyone else: laffo

by rOb March 5, 2005

237πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž