Source Code


(backtick-two) An Urban Dictionary editor's best friend. Clicking these while in edit mode will cycle through each definition and mark in "reject" for each entry. This way, you don't have to actually try to read the (mostly incomprehensible) definitions while you edit.

Don't feel bad, 99% all the new definition entries are utter shit so there's nothing to lose.

I think I will go into editing mode on Urban Dictionary and `2 my way through several hundred new definitions that are all worthless trash written by 5th graders.

by radium February 18, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


What I do whenever I read Urban Dictionary.

"Hmmm, I think I'll browse the Urban Dictionary today"

*clicks the "New" button, clicks on random definitions, reads stupid kiddie bullshit*

"Oh, for fucks sake"

by radium April 1, 2009

1310๐Ÿ‘ 516๐Ÿ‘Ž

urbandictionary editors

The people who edit UrbanDictionary.

They reject definitions if they have too many big words or not enough ethnic slurs.

The urbandictionary editors rejected an "emo" definition made by an actual emo fan, and accepted 20 "emo" definitions written by a bunch of fat greasy nerds who have never listened to emo music nor met an emo fan in their life.

by radium July 13, 2006

90๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

feeding the trolls

When you reply to a troll or group of trolls on the internet, usually angrily and while showing signs of being offended.

When you do this, you give the trolls the attention that they crave. You're responding in the way that the troll wants you to respond. You get upset over something that someone posted on the internet.

There are many trolls on this site. Please don't feed the trolls. Send their "definitions" to Quality Control and then ignore them.

J.B. is a poster who kept feeding the trolls over minor issues. Now the trolls run rampant with his username because J.B. kept giving them the attention they wanted.

by radium December 6, 2004

257๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž