(noun): Mark Conn}: a narcissistic fraudulent person who seeks out generous people as an easy mark and will con and deceive them out of their money, love, time and attention. They leave their victims flabbergasted, broken and broke and give no fucks about their unethical asshole behavior. Mark Conns tend to heavily drink whiskey and play poker until their house is foreclosed.
Synonyms: swindler, grifter, drifter, loser, hater, bully, cheater, hustler, con-man, credit hacker
(verb): to get Mark Conn'd}.: When an innocent person is seen as mark or easy target and then they are conned, played and deceived via romance, charm or pity for their own pathetic lives into getting all the innocent person's money, love, time and attention. Fraud.
Present Tense: Mark Conn, Mark Conning; Past Tense: Mark Conn'd
(adjective): Mark Connish}: When some asshole you meet shows Mark Conn} prey-like behaviors or traits and you are afraid of getting swindled and conned.
Example Mark Conn Noun: "Did you hear about Mark Conn? He totally took that lady for all she was worth! What a dick."
Example Mark Conn'd Verb: "OMG that guy took your ass for a ride and took all your money and time. Yo, you got Mark Conn'd!"
Example Mark Connish Adjective: "I got a bad feeling about your new boyfriend. I think he's Mark Connish and will steal and play you. I think you should call the 5-0 and block his number."
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