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Reincarnation is the process wherein the spirit of a being living in the 3rd Dimension will upon the death of said being return to the Spirit of Origin sometimes called First Life and bring with it any wisdom or knowledge of relationships between living beings that it has learned during its material life. This same spirit then gets dissolved into the Spirit of Origin where it will never again exist as the ego or other ruling consciousness of a being living in the 3rd Dimension. However, the dissolved spirit will be spread throughout the universe which is the body of the Spirit of Origin in that part of life that that can be comprehended by intelligent species wherever in the universe they might arise. This process is also known as Spiritual Evolution.

It is wrong to think that any spirit is reincarnated to the 3rd Dimension intact as it once was, unless there are powerful forces being exerted on it to remain as the same being, such as the forces used by the Dalai Lama of the occupied nation of Tibet to be reborn over and over until he has done everything that he can do to help guide his people, at which time he or perhaps someday she will train a he can to prepare his successor who will take over the role of the new Dalai Lama while the old one is submerged into the Spirit of Origin, and that Spirit will evolve spiritually by learning the wisdom brought to him by the tired spirit of the abdicating Dalai Lama. Of course, through reincarnation, every spirit returning to First Life brings something that it has learned about life, and interacting with other beings, but generally that wisdom is not so great and not so well understood that it may be chosen to return to the 3rd Dimension to teach others what it has learned.

This is what I have learned in this present incarnation, but it still does not allow me to see beyond the time that the Spirit of Origin gains enough wisdom to move on to its own Spirit of Origin, for surely it must have one in the Fourth Dimension, whatever that may be.

by rawgod February 28, 2017

9👍 5👎


This definition has already been accepted, but I would like to correct some grammar and punctuation mistakes, as follows:

Reincarnation is the process wherein the spirit of a being living in the 3rd Dimension will upon the death of said being return to the Spirit of Origin sometimes called First Life and bring with it any wisdom of life or knowledge of relationships between living beings that it has learned during its material life. This same spirit then gets dissolved back into the Spirit of Origin where it will never again exist as the ego or other ruling consciousness of a being living in the 3rd Dimension. However, the dissolved spirit will be spread throughout the universe which is the body of the Spirit of Origin in that part of life that can be comprehended by intelligent species wherever in the universe life might arise. This process is also known as Spiritual Evolution.

It is wrong to think that any spirit is reincarnated to the 3rd Dimension intact as it once was, unless there are powerful forces being exerted on it to remain as the same being, such as the forces used by the Dalai Lama of the occupied nation of Tibet to be reborn over and over until he has done everything that he can do to help guide his people, at which time he or perhaps someday she will train a spirit so it can prepare as his successor, who will take over the role of the new Dalai Lama while the abdicating Dalai Lama is submerged into the Spirit of Origin, and that Spirit will evolve spiritually by learning the wisdom brought to it by the tired spirit of the Religious Leader of Tibet. Of course, through reincarnation, every spirit returning to First Life brings something that it has learned about life, and interacting with other beings, but generally that wisdom is not so great and not so well understood that it may be chosen to return to the 3rd Dimension to teach others what it has learned.

by rawgod February 28, 2017

1👍 1👎


Karma is a figment of peoples' imaginations, originally used by Hindus to get out of paying debts in a present incarnation and promising to repay them in a future incarnation. Of course, the debts were never repaid, and common usage came to define karma as bad things happening to people who owed debts from past incarnations. Eventually it was expanded to include explaining why good things happened to people who seemed undeserving of having luck. They MUST HAVE done something in a past life to have such luck in this life. Common usage further expanded this meaning to the point where we alive today use karma as an excuse for people having inexplicably good or bad luck.

Karma is just another word meaning coincidence or luck that happens in any person's lifetime. Like other usurped words, the meanings are changed to suit our own purposes. If Karma existed, Western based cultures would never have taken over North and South America from their aboriginal people, using actions like giving away blankets filled with smallpox, trading beads for entire tracts of lands, providing liquor to people who had no tolerance, decimating the main food source of the plains peoples, outright murdering whole villages, and attempting genocide by sending aboriginal children to residential schools where they were physically, mentally, and sexually abused and then saying, "Oops, we screwed up! Sorry," and as penance giving harmed individuals money when clean water, arable land, and help to recover the art of child-raising were so badly needed to keep aboriginal children from needlessly committing suicide , you can bet if Karma existed white people would have been wiped off the face of this planet. Meanwhile, unlike whites, people of colour would do whatever it took to help white people survive. No, there is no such thing as karma, and we white folk should be very glad there isn't.

by rawgod March 13, 2017


Unsanity is the ability to see the truth behind an accepted sane reality that does not actually exist, such as time, or an international border. No matter how many people can agree what time it is by looking at a clock or watch, or how many walls US President Donald Trump builds around the USofA, time and borders exist only in the minds of human beings, and nowhere else. Birds see no lines on or in the earth as they fly from Canada into the USA and back. Meanwhile humankind are the only beings who believe that the passing of the sun from east to west, only to turn up again in the east, constitutes a day composed of 24 hours, or 1440 minutes,etc. If an intelligent alien were to come to earth and learn our languages, he/she/it would probably not comprehend either of these human constructs.
And, for added emphasis, east,west, south and north do not exist either.

Unsanity is the uncanny ability of the human mind to ignore a lifetime of brainwashing and look outside the box to see what is real and what is not.

by rawgod February 28, 2017

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