A person weather be it boy or girl whose entire life personality is dating someone as a whole usually has a vapid personality devoid of any substance
guy 1 i you hear that chick Rachel
guy 2 yea she has a new boyfriend every week it seems like her personality is bland and devoid of substance
guy 1 yea she dates a lot of desperate weirdos
guy 2 yea she seems like a daggot
Usually, a pompous self-righteous incel is very opinionated and thinks very highly of themselves. They are the keyboard warriors of the internet and don't know when to shut the hell up but would crumble if shit went down in the streets irl. The most famous widely known celboy is Chris chan . They are often very angry because they can't get women so they resort to passing around anime waifu pictures. Their dakimakura is their most prized and nasty possession .they often go by preston
Guy 1 All hunter does is sit on his laptop all day when he is working as a mentor is very sus tbh
Guy 2 doesn't the state pay him to do more as a mentor and that full beard of his is so nasty!!
Guy 1 yeah he says he's working on some stupid digital boardgame I think he's up to something he won't use my wifi
guy 2 yeah he seems like he's gonna be a cyber-terrorist that whole bs threat to report you owning an e-bike was idiotic
guy 1 yeah he's a total real deal celboy always has to act like a know it all with a chip on his shoulder
The stereotypical ignorant african american fuck boy not to be confused with the cool and sophisticated Juan can usually be seen panhandling outside a dollar general(or robbing one if desperate enough) typically for working on/upgrading his welfare mobile known as the clon rod or the nigger rig usually is seen wearing luxury streetwear but not enough money to pay child support for the 15 baby mommas he knocked up goes by Antonio Tariq or reshaun
guy 1 at the movie theater man I hate this flip phone hope Antonio doesn't see me again!!
guy 2 Antonio walks in yo nigga you need to upgrade yo shit maine yo shit old maine
guy 1 shouldn't you be doing actual work or robbing a dollar tree??
guy 2 u rayciss bitch i dindu nuffin!!
guy 1 yeah do some work small fry!! and shut the hell up clon!!
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Any outdated car from the 80s or 90s that is generally undesirable like a dodge caravan geo metro or a run down pickup from the late 70s or a nissan altima with a million miles on it
Guy 1 you hear about johns old ford pickup??
Guy 2 yea hes allways working on it just cause his dad owned it
Guy 1 yeah its a total johnomobile!!!
The kid who sits in the front of the class wears glasses and is the stereotypical teacher's pet. He is known to tattle tale on someone for even the slightest thing. They are this way because of their parental upbringing (mostly goodie 2 shoes bible thumpers).finsterwalds are mostly known to go nowhere in social activities and settings. They are usually the known targets of kyles, erics, and jakes who are most likely to get their head dunked in the toilet. They usually go by timothy, Eli, jonah, Simmon, or Christopher.
Guy 1 Dude johns kid Chris is so fucking annoying!!
guy 2 yeah he told eric for a prank the other day that he will likely get a swirly lol!!
guy 1 yeah he told on kyle the other day doing wheelies on his dirtbike
guy 2 yeah he's such a little finsterwald!!!!
somebody who collects items or any high-end clothes or collectibles and refuses to buy online. they often refute others' opinions about the market value the existence or have their head in the clouds on the existence of scalping in the hobby and should often keep their opinion where the sun doesn't shine .often these people are like a retrumplican arguing with a Clinton lover. often times very hard-headed even when given a PowerPoint-like presentation. often the arguments with these people is like playing point-counterpoint.
guy 1 I really have had my eye on the new star wars line lately Stanly keeps saying I should wait to buy online and wait like 3 months when I know the value is going to skyrocket and be impossible to attain on my budget.
guy 2 Jesus this guy seems like a royal retail nazi is he always doing this!!???
guy 1 yes he constantly has to prove why he's right even though he has more access to stores
guy 2 wow he sounds like a real retail nazi I know things haven't been the same since the hip replacement it sucks that you can't hunt as you used too.
guy 1 yeah I don't even know why I bother with him it's like talking to a brick wall
guy 2 well just expand your circle plenty of other star wars collectors out there living on disability is hard and inflation isn't helping ignore the retail nazis they're just hating because they won't expand their portfolio
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to modify a an otherwise tasteful car with giant ass rims a billion speakers so the music sounds like autobots fighting.and other stupid mods bolted to cars may include stancing a car or lifting an otherwise useful truck and putting giant ass rims on it making it so useless you cant even hit a pothole.sadly white people have caught onto this trend as well.generaly cars like this will feature hoods opening a billion different ways or a paint job with a gajillion colors and an interior were the person couldent make up theyre mind on wich exotic animal they wante and it looks like a safari.donks fit the catagory also and the only circles that find these cars cool are from africa.
not to be confused with lowrider or street trucks or rice rockets
guy 1 yeahhhyuhhh maine got mah car all lifted on dem giant 28.s double duces yo know wha im sayin maine?? got enough audio an shit to vibrate da whole dayumn blok!!
guy 2 stop braggin about youre nigger rig goddamnit!!!!!
guy 2 damn black people need to learn the wider the tire the more traction you get not the bigger the rim seems us white guys have this figured out!!!
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